Benefits of Japanese Soaking Tubs

We all know the incredibly good feeling of slowly lowering ourself into a nice hot bath. Plain and simple, it just feels so darn good! Relaxing in a Japanese Soaking Tub will warm up your body, loosen those tight muscles, ease those aching joints and clear your mind so you'll sleep like a baby. Not only does soaking in a tub let you get a good night's sleep, this in turn will make you feel energized and rejuvenated the next day!

However, beyond the basic pure pleasure a hot bath gives us, sitting in a Japanese Soaking Tub has many other physical and mental benefits. Here is a list of benefits for this simple life pleasure.

Helps you fall asleep

As adults we all have various forms of stress, worry and chaos in our lives. Stepping into a Japanese Soaking Tub can literally wash these mental issues away (at least for a little bit). Hot water relaxes the muscles and soothes us physically but also mentally.

Can remove muscle and joint pain

Soaking in a Japanese Soaking Tub can relieve muscle and joint pain

By sitting in a Japanese Soaking Tub, the warm water will get your blood moving, which is not only great for circulation, but can also help sore or tight muscles to relax. Your body will release endorphins, which eases tense muscles and stimulates nerves along the spinal cord. As a result, soaking can help fight insomnia, back aches, and joint pains.

Soaking in warm water has similar benefits to exercise without over exerting the heart. The temperature increases heart rate but also dilates the blood vessels thus increasing blood flow to the extremities of the body without raising blood pressure.

Elevate Your Mood

Neil Morris, a psychologist at the University of Wolverhampton did a study on 80 people who took a bather every day, "I found that bathing improved general psychological wellness radically... baths give you the chance to stop the day for a few minutes, in a way that showers can't. There is a wonderful combination of isolation, quiet and comfort."

A hot tub is a great way to reduce daily anxiety. By taking just a little time to treat your body to the pleasure of a bath, your mind relaxes as well.

Soaking in a Japanese Tub can burn calories

Yep, you heard that right. By taking pleasure in a warm bath you can burn calories! Steve Faulkner, a researcher at Loughborough University found that, "A hot bath used up as many calories as a 30-minute walk." Now... let's be realistic here, you should still exercise but ending the day with a nice hot bath will be a cherry on the top.

Another study has indicated that people who suffer from diabetes and soak in a hot tub on a regular basis are able to reduce their levels of sugar and glucose in the blood. The study found that soaking in a hot bath for about 20-30 minutes, 6 days a week, made participants lose almost 2.5 pounds (2 kilos) a month as compared to the control group.

Can Reduce Headaches

Most types of headaches are caused by the narrowing of blood vessels in the head. The positive effect of the hot water on our blood vessels can be used to alleviate the pressure on those blood vessels and cure our headache.

Can improve heart health

Soaking in a Japanese Soaking Tub can improve heart health

If you have a pre-existing heart condition hot baths can put unnecessary strain on your heart but if you are a healthy person, a hot or warm bath will make your heart beat faster and can give it a healthy work out. When immersed in water, the heart works faster and stronger. Circulation will improve throughout the body all the way to the extremities as it makes the blood less viscous and the vessels function better. Even just a few soaks in a Japanese Soaking Tub a week is an excellent workout for your heart.

it is advised that a health professional is consulted if pre-existing health conditions or diseases are present before embarking on any form of hydrotherapy.

Makes you clean! (of course) and moisturizes your skin, hair and eyes

Soaking in a Japanese Soaking Tub is a great way to ensure hydration of the body in all aspects. Our bodies are made mostly of water so we should drink a lot of it but also soaking in it is extremely beneficial. Natural Hot Springs contain natural minerals our bodies might crave but we can enhance our own baths by adding certain oils or salts. Hot water opens our pores and causes us to sweat, which is the body's natural way of cleansing itself.