
JapaneseSoakingTubs tries to make it's website accessible to everyone and when possible seeks ways to improve this site. If you have any questions or suggestions regarding the accessibility of this site, please contact us with your suggestion(s). Or, if for any reason you cannot access any of the material on our Website, please contact us and we will try to resolve the problem if possible.

High Contrast Links

By clicking the High Contrast icon, usually in the top right area of the website, you can turn High Contrast links on and off.

Turn On

Turn High Contrast Links on Icon

Turn Off

Turn High Contrast Links off Icon

Standards compliance

All Web pages strive to validate as HTML 4.01 Strict but may fall short. If your find an error, please contact us and let us know. We will try to address the issue when possible.

All pages use structured semantic markup. For instance, each page contains one Header 1 Level Tag, and any appropriate sub-level heading tags.

All paragraphs are properly coded with paragraph tags.

Navigation aids

All pages on this site include a consistent set of global main navigation links

Drop down main navigation menus use “Tab” to move from major heading to major heading, with arrow keys to access drop down submenus.

All sub-navigation menus will appear below the main navigation menu.

All pages contain the following “Landmark role” attribute:

  • Header (may contain these elements: Contact, Language Change, Accessibility Link Change)
  • Navigation
  • Main Content
  • Footer (Footer Links)


Wherever possible, links are written to make sense out of context.

Many browsers (such as JAWS, Home Page Reader, Lynx, and Opera) can extract the list of links on a page and allow the user to browse the list, separately from the page.

To the best of our ability, all links to external sites have a visual cue, Example: External Link and this links will open in a new window.

All links to non-HTML files (i.e., MS Word, PDF etc.) will always open the file in a new window unless otherwise noted.


All content images used on this site strive to include descriptive ALT attributes. If your find an image without ALT tags, please contact us and let us know. We will try to address the issue when possible.

Visual design

This site uses Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) for visual layout. Content is independent of CSS.

Users may disable CSS or use their own style sheets.

A "Make Links Basic Contrast" icon is in the top right of this website.

Accessibility software and services

HTML Validator, a free service for checking that web pages conform to published HTML standards.

JAWS, a screen reader for Windows. A time-limited demo is available.

Lynx, a free text-only web browser.

The Web Accessibility Toolbar (WAT) has been developed to aid manual examination of web pages for a variety of aspects of accessibility. It consists of a range of functions that identify components of a web page provide access to alternate views of page content and facilitate the use of 3rd party online applications

Tips on using this site

To change the font size in Internet Explorer, Netscape, Opera, or Safari, use the following key equivalents:

Increase font size in Windows press Ctrl +

Increase font size in Macintosh press ⌘ +

Decrease font size in Windows press Ctrl –

Decrease font size in Macintosh press ⌘ –

Move forward from link to link Tab

Move backward from link to link Shift + tab

Move from one major navigation heading to the next Tab

Move within drop down sub-menus Up & down arrows

Go forward a page in Windows Alt + Right Arrow

Go forward a page in Macintosh ⌘ + Right Arrow

Move backward from link to link in Windows Alt + Left Arrow

Move backward from link to link in Macintosh ⌘ + Right Arrow

More Keyboard Shortcuts



Internet Explorer 7

Internet Explorer 8

